Jopevi J-239 / J-239R: Electronic Dual Feed Automatic Grommet Machine

A Jopevi Model 239 Grommet and Washer Machine is the most productive fully automatic grommet and washer machine made today.  This machine will punch a hole into your lightweight to heavy-duty materials and set both the grommet and washer with a press of the foot pedal.  The machine is electrically activated making cycle time very fast.  This machine is very quiet and easy to use and can feed and set grommets and washers sizes ranging from #00 through #4.

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These machines are very easy to operate. Simply line up your work using the beam of light from the placement laser, step on the pedal and the machine quietly and effortlessly punches your material and sets the grommet and washer in a single action.


All Jopevi machines are designed to require a minimum of maintenance. Since they have fewer components that other conventional grometting machines, any repairs are minimal and simple to complete.


These machines are equipped for 110 volt electrical systems or can be easily converted to 220 volts in a manner of minutes.


These machines are easily adjustable to different thicknesses and materials of industrial fabrics.


Models J-239 and J-239R come with a washer detector mechanism that stops the machine from setting a grommet without a washer. Turn the detector switch to “O” and you can set the grommet alone. The machine can also be simply adapted so as to punch out your material only. This machine can automatically punch a hole into your material and set both the grommet and washer with a press of the foot pedal. They are quiet and easy to operate. Machines are set to run with all grommets and washers.


All J-239 and J-239R machines are supplied with ring guard protection and an acrylic shield for operator safety.


Included in the base price of the machine is the laser light for placement of work, a heavy-duty stand, a second set of dies and appropriate wrenches for
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